为有效提升阿鲁科尔沁旗草业核心区的燕麦生产力,筛选出适宜在当地种植的饲用燕麦品种,于2020年在阿鲁科尔沁旗田园牧歌草业有限公司基地对引进的17个国内外饲用燕麦品种进行适应性评价,通过测定各参试燕麦品种灌浆期的生产性能和营养品质指标,并采用模糊数学隶属函数法对各指标进行综合分析。结果表明,参试各燕麦品种的株高为82.139~109.610 cm;干草折合产量以牧乐思最高,为10 738.700 kg/hm2,梦龙、莫妮卡分居第2、3位,分别为10 271.800 、10 005.000 kg/hm2;粗蛋白含量以林纳最高,为157.00 g/kg;相对饲喂价值以青牧1号最高,为98.000。不同燕麦品种隶属函数值由大到小排序依次为青牧1号、贝勒2、青引1号、林纳、甜燕麦、莫妮卡、加燕、贝勒、青海444、牧王、牧乐思、领袖、青引2号、青牧2号、青牧3号、梦龙、燕王,综合评价表现由优到劣依次为青牧1号、贝勒2、青引1号、林纳、甜燕麦、莫妮卡、加燕、贝勒、青海444、牧王、牧乐思、领袖、青引2号、青牧2号、青牧3号、梦龙、燕王。由此可见,最适宜在阿鲁科尔沁旗及周边地区种植的燕麦品种为青牧1号、贝勒2和青引1号。
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In order to effectively enhance the productivity of Avena sativa in the core production area and screen out the forage Avena sativa varieties suitable for planting in Ar Horqin Banner, in 2020, an adaptive evaluation of 17 introduced forage oat varieties from domestic and abroad was conducted at the Tianyuanmugua Pastoral Co., Ltd., base in Ar Horqin Banner. The production performance and nutritional quality indexes of the filling stage were determined, and the indexes were comprehensively analyzed by the method of paste mathematical membership function. Results showed that the plant height of oat varieties was 82.139 to 109.610 cm, the highest average hay yield was achieved by Molassesat 10 738.700 kg/ha, with Menglong and Monika ranking second and third at 10 271.800 and 10, 005.000 kg/ha, respectively. The highest crude protein content was found in Linna at 157.00 g/kg, while the relative feeding value was highest in Qingmu 1 at 98.000. The membership function values of different Avena sativa varieties were sorted from large to small as followed: Qingmu 1 > Baler 2 > Qingyin1 > Linna > Tianyanmai > Monica > Jiayan > Baler > Qinghai 444 > Haymaker > Molasses > Souris > Qingyin2 > Qingmu 2 > Qingmu 3 > Magnum > Forage. The overall evaluation from best to worst was Qingmu 1, Baler 2, Qingyin 1, Linna, Tianyanmai, Monika, Jiayan, Baler, Qinghai 444, Haymaker, Molasses, Souris, Qingyin 2, Qingmu 2, Qingmu 3, Magnum and Forage. The above results showed that the oat varieties suitable for planting in Ar Horqin Banner and surrounding areas were Qingmu1, Baler 2 and Qingyin 1.