通过对不同氮磷钾施用水平下板蓝根的生长动态和产量及药用成分的测定,得出河西灌区板蓝根的氮磷钾养分需求量,以指导河西灌区板蓝根生产的科学施肥。以当地板蓝根主栽品种安徽毫州种为试材,开展了板蓝根氮磷钾养分需求规律研究。结果表明,河西灌区板蓝根生产中N的适宜用量为255~300 kg/hm2,苗期、生长旺盛期、收获期对N的需求量分别占整个生育期需氮量的9.21%、43.65%、47.14%;P2O5的适宜用量为150~225 kg/hm2,苗期、生长旺盛期、收获期对P2O5的需求量分别占整个生育期P2O5需量的15.80%、25.91%、58.29%;K2O的适宜用量为150~225 kg/hm2,苗期、生长旺盛期、收获期对K2O的需求量分别占整个生育期K2O需量的20.83%、19.38%、59.79%。
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This study aimed to determine the nutrient requirements for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in Isatis indigotica under different application levels, guiding scientific fertilization for Isatis indigotica root production in the Hexi Irrigation District. Using the main cultivated variety Anhuibozhou as the test material, the nutrient demand study for Isatis indigotica was conducted. Results showed that the optimum nitrogen amount in Isatis indigotica root production in the Hexi Irrigation District was 255 to 300 kg/ha, with nitrogen demand during the seedling stage, growth peak stage, and harvest stage accounting for 9.21%, 43.65%, and 47.14% of the total nitrogen requirement, respectively. The optimum phosphorus(P2O5) amount was 150 to 225 kg/ha, with the demand during the seedling, growth peak, and harvest stages accounting for 15.80%, 25.91%, and 58.29% of the total P2O5 requirement, respectively. The optimum amount of potassium was 150 to 225 kg/ha, with demand during the seedling, growth peak, and harvest stages accounting for 20.83%, 19.38%, and 59.79% of the total K2O requirement, respectively.