为及时掌握小麦条锈菌核心菌源区小麦条锈病年度发生情况,采用随机调查法于2021年4月及6月对甘肃省冬小麦主要种植区开展田间普查。结果发现,2021年为甘肃省冬小麦主要种植区小麦条锈病重度发生年份,4月调查发现陇南麦区田间发病较充分,天水市及平凉市等地田间发病较往年提前10 d左右,病原菌越冬范围及菌量增大,为病害的扩展流行积累了大量初始菌源;适宜的环境条件为病害的充分扩展提供了有利条件。6月调查时发现田间小麦条锈病发病充分,甚至出现“双百田”(病叶率及严重度均达100%)。
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In order to determine the annual occurrence of wheat stripe rust in the source regions of wheat stripe rust, a field survey was carried out in the main winter wheat regions of Gansu Province in April and June 2021 by random investigation method. The results showed that the year of 2021 was the year of severe occurrence of wheat stripe rust in the main winter wheat growing areas of Gansu Province. The investigation in April found that the disease in fields were sufficient in Longnan wheat area of Gansu Province, and the disease occurred about 10 days earlier than that in previous years in Tianshui and Pingliang. The overwintering range and population of pathogenic increased, which accumulated huge amount of initial bacterial sources for the spread and epidemic of the disease. Suitable environmental conditions provided favorable conditions for the epidemic of the disease. The investigation in June found that the occurrence of wheat stripe rust was sufficient with some fields showing both 100% in the percentage of diseased leaf and severity level.