甘蓝型春油菜陇油杂2号是以自育不育系101A为母本,以C11为父本组配的三系杂交种。在2016 — 2017年甘肃省春油菜早熟组区域试验中,2 a 10点(次)平均折合产量3 262.35 kg/hm2,较对照品种青杂7号增产7.56%。该品种生育期114 d左右,株高147.97 cm,有效分枝节位47.29 cm,千粒重3.56 g。蕾薹期长势强,整齐一致,抗倒伏,对菌核病和病毒病抗性较强。籽粒含油量为47.02%,芥酸含量为0.8 g/kg,硫苷含量为10.28 μmol/g。适宜在甘肃省海拔2 400 m左右的春油菜产区及新疆、内蒙古等地无霜期短的类似生态区种植。
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Longyouza 2 is a new three line hybrid of spring rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), with sterile line 101A and restores line C11. In 2016 — 2017, the average yield in 2 a 10 sites(time) was 3 262.35 kg/hm2, 7.56% higher than the control Qingza 7 in Gansu Spring Rapeseed Regional Test. The growth period is about 114 days, plant height is 147.97 cm, effective branch node position is 47.29 cm and 1 000-grain weight is 3.56 g. In bud bolting stage, the growth potential is strong and uniform, resistant to lodging, and strongly resistant to sclerotinia disease and virus disease. The oil content of the grain is 47.02%, erucic acid content is 0.8 g/kg and glucosinolates content is 10.28 μmol/g. It is suitable to be grown in spring rapeseed production areas where is about 2 400 meters altitude and similar ecological regions in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia where frost free period is short.