为了改良胡麻油脂肪酸组分,通过半定量RT-PCR方法对Δ9硬脂酰ACP脱氢酶(SAD2)基因在胡麻蒴果不同发育阶段的表达情况进行了分析。结果表明,在开花后20 d的蒴果中表达量最高,在成熟期时表达量显著降低。据此认为,开花后20 d可能是不饱和脂肪酸积累的关键时期。通过对SAD2基因的表达分析,为进一步通过基因工程育种手段改良胡麻油品质建立基础。
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In order to improve the composition of flax oil fatty acids, the expression of Δ9 stearoyl ACP desaturase (SAD2) gene was analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR incapsule at different development stages of flax. The results showed that the expression level was highest in the 20 days after flowering and the expression level decreased significantly at the maturity stage. Therefore, 20 days after flowering may be the critical period for the accumulation of unsaturated fatty acids. Through the analysis of SAD2 gene expression, a foundation was established for further improving the quality of flax oil through genetic engineering breeding methods.