为及时掌握甘肃省玉米病虫害的发生为害和种类变化,于2017年7 — 9月对甘肃省9个市(州)2 个县(区)的玉米病虫害发生危害进行了系统调查。结果表明,玉米茎腐病在甘肃省各生态区普遍发生,且危害严重;普通锈病、穗腐病、瘤黑粉病、鞘腐病普遍轻度发生,大斑病因气候条件变化为害有所减缓。玉米蚜和叶螨呈加重趋势,玉米螟中度发生,棉铃虫局部严重发生。
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In order to timely master the occurrence and species changes of corn diseases and pests in Gansu province, a systematic investigation was carried out on the occurrence and damage of corn diseases and pests in 21 counties(districts) of nine cities in the whole province from July to September. The results show that corn stalk rot is occurring more commonly and resulting in widespread damage in each ecological region of Gansu province. Common rust, ear rot smut and sheath rot is generally mildly occurring, and northern leaf blight is slowing down and decreasing because of climatic condition. The corn aphid and mites are in an aggravation tendency. Corn borer occurred moderately, but cotton bollworm occurred seriously in local areas.