依据两当县耕地地力评价成果,对两当县中低产田的分布及类型进行了划分。结果显示,两当县中低产田面积占全耕地总面积的84.94%,其中中产田和低产田分别占全县耕地总面积的29.57%、55.37%。根据影响中产田和低产田作物生长和产量构成的因子,对照全国中低产耕地类型并结合当地自然资源特点,将两当县中低产田划分为坡地梯改型、瘠薄培肥型2种类型,其中以瘠薄培肥型中低产田面积较大,为11 041.03 hm2;而坡地梯改型中低产田面积较小,为5 507.21 hm2。今后两当县农业生产中应注重有机肥施用和秸秆还田的技术应用,着力提升两当县中低产田耕地质量。
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Based on cultivated land evaluation of Liangdang county, the results show that the low yield farmland area accounted for 84.94% of the total area, where the middle and low yielding fields respectively the county accounted for 29.57% of the total area of arable land, 55.36%; according to the factors affecting the middle and low yield field crop growth and yield components, the control division of the medium low yield farmland types, combined with the characteristics of local natural resources, the low yield field in Liangdang county is divided into Sloping ladder modified, barren fertilizer type, the barren fertility type area is 11 041.03 hm2, accounting for Liangdang county medium low yield farmland area 66.72%, the technology application of organic manure and straw on agricultural production, improve the quality of cultivated land.