黄皮洋葱新品种家多宝由甘肃安达种业有限责任公司以自交系MS052为母本、不育系AD0685为父本杂交选育而成。在2014 — 2015年甘肃省多点区域试验中,折合平均产量为120 000 kg/hm2,较对照品种牧童增产13.2%。该品种属中晚熟品种,假茎高度90 cm,生长势强,鳞茎圆球型,外皮古铜色,单球质量387.0 g,收口紧,硬度适中,不易脱皮,≥7.0 cm的商品合格率平均是92.8%。高抗霜霉病、紫斑病、软腐病。适宜甘肃河西灌区及类似生态区的洋葱产区种植。
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Jiaduobao is a newly bred onion cultivar by parental combination of MS052 with AD0685 by Gansu Anda Seed industry Co., LTD. In 2014 — 2015, the average yield is 120 000 kg/hm2, which is 13.2 % higher than that of the check Mutong in more trials regional test in Gansu province. It is a moderate late maturing cultivar, false stem height is 90 cm, strong growth potential, round ball bulbs, skin tan, single ball quality is 387.0 g, shut tight, moderate hardness, not easy peeling, more than 7.0 cm commodity rate average is 92.8%. It is suitable to be grown in Hexi corridor in Gansu province and onions planted area in other regions of similar ecological conditions.