春小麦新品种定丰17号(原代号200311-9)由定西市农业科学研究院2002年利用自育品系核1作母本、CMS858作父本选育而成。2013年在甘肃省东片春小麦生产试验中,平均折合产量5 176.5 kg/hm2,较对照品种陇春23号增产7.52%。籽粒含粗蛋白16.41%、湿面筋34.8%,沉降值37.5 mL,降落值160 s,属中筋优质春小麦。中抗条锈病,高抗白粉病,抗青秕。适宜在甘肃省的定西、临夏州、甘南州、白银、兰州等海拔 1 700~2 200 m、年降水量400 mm以上生态条件相似的地区种植。
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Dingfeng 17 1 is a newly bred spring wheat cultivar by parental combination of inbred line He 1 with CMS858. In 2013, the average yield is 5 176.5 kg/hm2, which is 7.52 % higher than that of the check Longchun 23 in spring wheat production test in East of Gansu province. The result shows that the grain crude protein content is 16.41%, wet gluten content is 34.8%, sedimentation value is 37.5 mL, land value is 160 s. It is a high quality spring wheat cultivar. It would be medium resistant to stripe rust, high resistant to powdery mildew and resistant to green abortive. It is suitable to be grown in 1 700~2 200 meters altitude and annual rainfall above 400 mm in Gansu province at such as Dingxi, Linxia, Gannan, Baiyin and Lanzhou and other regions of similar ecological conditions.
甘肃省生物技术研究与应用开发项目“利用杂交转育法提高春小麦抗锈病的研究"(GNSW- -2014 -4);定西市科技发展计划项目“优质丰产抗病小麦新品种选育及种质资源利用"(DXN02)部分内容。