以培养料常规一次发酵为对照,研究了双孢蘑菇料堆中半埋入直径12 cm PVC管强制通风和直径30 cm铁圈自然通风的方法及其栽培效果。结果表明,料堆中半埋入直径12 cm PVC管强制通风发酵或直径30 cm铁圈自然通风发酵时,培养料料堆厌氧区减小,放线菌层厚度和放线菌在料堆中所占比例增加,发酵料质量提高,出菇期间病害减轻,产量较高。半埋入直径12 cm PVC管发酵法产量达到10.29 kg/m2,半埋入直径30 cm铁圈发酵法产量达9.66 kg/m2。
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The normal primary fermentation is used as control, the methods and effects of cultivation is studied when the compost of button mushroom Agaricus bisporus embedded the PVC tube(diameter is 12 cm) for forced ventilation and siderosphere (diameter is 30 cm) for natural ventilation respectively. The result shows that two methods also can decrease anaerobic zone of compost, increase actinomycetes layer thickness and amount, improve the quality of fermentation material, reduce the disease during the period of the mushroom, boost output. The production of embedding PVC tube reached 10.29 kg/m2 when the diameter is 12 cm, and the production of embedding siderosphere achieved 9.66 kg/m2 when the diameter is 30 cm.