在甘肃中部旱区对12个引进燕麦品种的丰产性、适应性、抗逆性进行评价。结果表明,单株粒重与产量相关系数达极显著水平,对产量的构成起关键作用,但不是最终决定因子。以品质性状为依据进行系统聚类,按品种类型聚为两大类群,按品种来源聚为五大类群。裸燕麦品种白燕2号、皮燕麦品种冀张燕5号农艺性状表现良好,生育期适中,经济性状优,品质好,折合产量分别为3 176.2 、4 025.8 kg/hm2,适宜甘肃省干旱半干旱地区全膜覆土穴播种植。
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The fertility, adaptability, stress resistance of 12 introduced oats varieties in central arid regions of Gansu. The result shows that the coefficient of correlation about grain weight per plant with yield reached extremely significant level, for the yield components play a key role, but not the final determining factor. On the basis of quality characters is carried out system clustering, according to variety types are clustered into 2 groups and according to the varieties sources are clustered into 5 groups. Expression of naked oat varieties Baiyan 2 and husked oat varieties Jizhangyan 5 good agronomic characters, moderate growth period, the economic characters of excellent, respect of good quality, The yield is 3 176.2、 4 025.8 kg/hm2. It is suitable to be grown in arid or semi-arid region of the whole film mulched bunch planting in Gansu province.