以花椰菜温敏雄性不育系GS-19为试材, 采用液相色谱法,对其不育材料和可育材料花药的不同发育阶段以及叶片中内源激素GA和IAA动态变化进行比较分析。结果表明, GA和IAA在花椰菜温敏雄性不育系的花药不同发育时期和叶片中都存在明显差异。除四分体时期外,不育材料的造胞时期和成熟花粉粒时期IAA含量显著高于可育材料,GA在花药发育的造胞时期、四分体时期、成熟花粉粒时期均显著高于可育材料;不育材料叶片中的IAA和GA含量也显著高于可育材料。研究结果对揭示内源激素在雄性败育过程中可能存在的作用机制有重要意义。
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Using broccoli thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile line GS-19 as test materials,the endogenous hormones IAA and GA of the different development stage are analysised adopting the method of HPLC . The result shows that IAA and GA of GS-19 is obvious difference in different development periods of bud and blade, IAA content of Sterile material is significantly higher than control in Sporogenous cell period and Ripping pollen period . GA content of Sterile material is significantly higher than control in Sporogenous cell period, Tetrad period and Ripping pollen period . GA and IAA content of Sterile material is significantly higher than control in blade .
国家自然科学基金项目“花椰菜温敏雄性不育的遗传机理研究”(31460519);甘肃省农业科学院创新基金项目“花椰菜温敏雄性不育相关内源激素研究”(2012GAAS15-17); 农业部园艺作物生物学与种质创制西北地区科学观测实验站项目资助