为解决兰州地区缺乏优良蟠桃新品种问题,2009年从北京市农林科学院林业果树研究所引进极晚熟蟠桃新品种瑞蟠21号并嫁接,芽苗于2010年定植。结果表明,瑞蟠21号在兰州地区生长结果正常,成花容易,座果率高,丰产。果实扁平形,平均单果重216 g,最大单果重343 g,2012 — 2014年3 a平均株产13.9 kg。果实大,味甜,粘核,硬度较高,耐贮运。未发现特殊病虫害,未发生抽条、冻害等现象,可作为兰州地区极晚熟蟠桃品种进行适度发展。
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In order to solve the problem about short of high quality flat peach varieties in Lanzhou area,the very late-maturing flat peach Ruipan 21 introduced from Institute of Forestry and Pomology, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences in 2009, and planted in 2010. This study result shows that Ruipan 21 can grew and bloomed normally, Fruit-set rate is high and high yield in Lanzhou region. The fruit is flat shape, big fruit type, sweet, clingstones, good hardness and fine storage capacity. The plant did not find special diseases, insect pests, cold and freeze injury. Ruipan 21 can be developed as late-maturing flat peach in Lanzhou area.