采用裂区试验设计,在大田露地条播条件下,研究了磷肥不同用量与有机肥配施对冬小麦产量的影响。结果表明,在施N 150 kg/hm2的基础上,施P2O5 150 kg/hm2 、配施精鸡粪7 500 kg/hm2(干重)处理的冬小麦产量最高,折合产量为5 589.29 kg/hm2,较不施磷肥和精鸡粪的处理增产38.86%。
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In a split-plot design, through field experiment to investigate the influence of mixed applying phosphorus and manure on winter wheat yield. The results shows that under the basis of applying nitrogen 150 kg/hm2, simultaneous applying phosphorus 150 kg/hm2 and purity chicken manure 7 500 kg/hm2 the winter wheat yield was the highest among all treatments and reached by 5 589.29 kg/hm2, compared to without phosphorus and purity chicken manure treatment increased by 38.86% .
十二五国家科技支撑计划“中低产田障碍因子消减与地力提升共性关键技术”(2012BAD05B06); 甘肃省农业科学院农业科技创新专项“创新基地土壤肥料长期定位试验科研协作网建设”(2013GAAS12)