在高寒干旱地区秋延后设施栽培条件下,设置不同滴灌量及生育期分配量测定红地球葡萄的有关生理指标。结果表明,与传统漫灌方式(3 000 m3/hm2)相比,年滴灌量为1 875 m3/hm2(休眠期360 m3/hm2、萌芽前285 m3/hm2、开花后期285 m3/hm2、果粒膨大期375 m3/hm2、果实转色期285 m3/hm2、成熟期285 m3/hm2)可作为生产中的参考值,在该滴灌量及分配下,葡萄叶片的叶绿素含量、果粒纵横径、粒重、穗重和可溶性固形物含量相对最高,叶片中脯氨酸、丙二醛含量、SOD、POD和CAT活性相对最低。
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In order to determine of the relevant physiological indicators of red globe grapes late autumn season in alpine arid region, a field experiment was conducted to set the amount of different drip irrigation and growth period allocation. The results showed that it can be used as reference values in production which the amount of drip irrigation was 1 875 m3/hm2(dormant stage was 360 m3, the early growth stage was 285 m3, the flowering late stage was 285 m3, fruit enlargement stage was 375 m3, fruit veraison stage was 285 m3, maturity was 285 m3), The chlorophyll content, fruit vertical and horizontal diameter, grain weight, ear weight and soluble solids content was relatively the highest of grape leaf, and candied acid, MDA, SOD, POD and CAT activity of grape leaf was relatively minimum in the amount and distribution of drip irrigation.