选用平凉市2007 — 2011年例行检测数据资料,采用农药最大残留限量标准及安全指数法进行评价。结果表明,平凉市不同种类蔬菜农药残留样品的超标率达2.5%,百菌清、溴氰菊酯、甲氰菊酯、敌敌畏、乐果等非禁用农药是影响平凉市蔬菜安全的主要农药种类。6类蔬菜的安全指数值在0.003~0.057,12种蔬菜的安全指数值在0.002~0.107。4个季度蔬菜平均安全指数值在0.004~0.017之间,22种农药发生风险的概率在0~0.125。平凉市食用蔬菜农药残留对人体健康构成的风险总体上是可以接受的。
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The paper used the routine testing data from 2007 to 2011 and the standard of pesticide maximum residues and the safety index method to assess the human health risk. The results showed that the over standard rate in different kinds of vegetable pesticide residues samples was 2.5%, the main types of not banned pesticides had chlorothalonil, deltamethrin, armor cyanogen chrysanthemum ester, dichlorvos, dimethoate,and so on, which affected badly the safety of vegetables in Pingliang city . The safety index value of 6 kinds of vegetables was in between 0.003 and 0.057, and 12 kinds of vegetables was in between 0.003 and 0.057 . The average safety index value of four quarters was in between 0.004 and 0.017, and the risk probability of 22 pesticides was in between 0 and 0.125 . In the local, the risk of edible vegetables pesticide residues on human health was generally acceptable .